Past Webinars
Recordings of Past Webinars can be accessed HERE
September, 2023: ABSS Webinar
The ABSS held a webinar on Wednesday 6th September, 2023, featuring three speakers covering a diverse range of exciting brain stimulation research.
Dr Li-Ann Leow from the University of Queensland presented on “Dopamine alters the effect of brain stimulation on behaviour”
Associate Professor Ann-Maree Vallence from Murdoch University presented on “Characterising changes in the human motor cortex following burn injury”
Professor Kate Hoy from the Bionics Institute presented on “Targeting neural network dysfunction for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease”
February, 2023: ABSS Special Speaker Event
The ABSS Special Speaker Event Webinar was held on Friday 3rd February, 2023.
This webinar featured two pioneers in the field of non-invasive brain stimulation: Professor Anthony Barker and Professor Mark George.
November, 2022: ABSS Outstanding Research Award Webinar
The ABSS Outstanding Research Award Webinar was held on Monday 21st November, 2022.
PhD category:
Jessie Leuk Siew Pin from Nanyang Technological University presented on “A meta-analytical review of tDCS parameters on upper limb motor learning in healthy older adults and people with Parkinson’s disease”
Lara Fernandez from Monash University presented on “Assessing cerebellar-cortical connectivity using concurrent TMS-EEG: A feasibility study”
ECR category:
Onno Van Der Groen from Edith Cowan University presented on “The effects of tRNS on brain and behaviour”
EMCR category:
Robin Cash from the University of Melbourne presented on “Targeting neural circuit dysfunction using brain stimulation”
March, 2022: Transitioning from Academia to Industry Webinar
The Transitioning from Academia to Industry Webinar was held on Wednesday 30th March, 2022.
This webinar featured three fantastic speakers:
Dr Trevor Brown: Senior Neuroscientist at the neuroCare Group Australia based in Melbourne
Emeritus Professor Sarah Dunlop: Minderoo Foundation’s Director of Health and Medical Research, Plastics and Human Health
Dr Sung Wook Chung: ANT Neuro Australia sales engineer
December, 2020: Brain Stimulation and Imaging Webinar
The Brain Stimulation and Imaging Webinar was held on Friday 4th December, 2020.
Professor Colleen Hanlon from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine presented on “The Frontal Pole: an emerging TMS treatment target for drug and alcohol use disorders”
Associate Professor Andrew Zalesky from the University of Melbourne presented on “Circuit-based personalisation of TMS with neuroimaging”
Ms Bhedita Seewoo from the University of Western Australia presented on “Combined rTMS/MRI studies in animal models to study lasting effects of rTMS”
July, 2020: ABSS AGM and Clinical Brain Stimulation Webinar
The ABSS AGM and Clinical Brain Stimulation Webinar was held on Tuesday the 14th July, 2020.
Professor Cathy Stinear from the University of Auckland presented on “Biomarkers and prediction tools for stroke research”
Associate Professor Karen Barlow from the University of Queensland presented on “Cortical excitability after Traumatic Brain Injury in Children”
Professor Kate Hoy from Monash University presented on “Interventional Neuropsychology: Clinical developments and our response to COVID”
Professor Paul Fitzgerald from Epworth HealthCare and Monash University presented on “Clinical Brain Stimulation in the time of COVID”
May, 2020: ABSS Professional Development Webinar
The ABSS Professional Development webinar was held on Friday the 29th of May, 2020
Gemma Lamp from LaTrobe University presented on “Social Media and Online Tools in Science”.
Recording of webinar now available: HERE
December, 2019: ABSS AGM and Training Webinar
The ABSS AGM and Training Webinar was held on Friday the 18th December, 2020.
Dr Hannah Filmer from the University of Queensland presented on “Predicting variability in brain stimulation efficacy'”
Dr Neil Bailey from Epworth HealthCare and Monash University presented on “Using EEG to predict the effects of brain stimulation“
May, 2019: ABSS AGM and Webinar
The first ABSS webinar and Annual General Meeting was held on Friday the 24th of May, 2019.
Dr Nir Grossman from Imperial College London presented on “Non-invasive deep brain stimulation via temporally interfering electrical fields”